With this module, you can block dangerous items from your server.
This is extra useful if you are running gamemodes like Creative and/or allow your players to have creative mode.
Check potions
Here is the check-potions section inside the Module file.
enabled: true
# Check thrown potions by dispensers?
detect-dispensers-aswell: true
notify-admins: true
remove: false # If true, will force delete the item from the person hand.
item-to-replace: item # "item" to use base item type. Requires remove: false
message: true # If true, sends a message to the player.
Everything there is pretty self-explanatory.
To check thrown potions at dispensers, set "detect-dispensers-aswell" to true, if false, players can exploit the plugin using the potions using Dispensers.
Check enchantments
Here is the check-enchantments section inside the Module file.
If enabled, will check if any item contains a enchantment level above the vanilla maximum level. For example, this will prevent players from using a Sharpness 9999 sword, because the vanilla maximum level is 5.
enabled: true
notify-admins: true
remove: false # If true, will force delete the item from the person hand.
item-to-replace: item # "item" to use base item type. Requires remove: false
message: true # If true, sends a message to the player.
Everything there is pretty self-explanatory.
Configuring the "on-detect"
This module have his own on-detect actions, here is a breakdown of every option.
# If true, will force delete the item from the player hand.
# You can't use the item-to-replace the same time this is set to true.
remove: false
# Here you can set a specific item to replace the original item for.
# If you set it to "item" it will use the original item type as the base.
item-to-replace: item
# Will send a message to the player saying that he is not
# allowed to have this dangerous.
message: true
On item-to-replace, you need to put the item type, for example: STONE (for the stone block), DIRT (for a dirt block), BARRIER (for the barrier block). If you put it as "item" will use the original item type as the base item.
item-to-replace: WATER_BUCKET
In this example above, the item will be replaced to a Water Bucket.
Default file & values
Default file & values
# _____ __
# / ___/___ ____ / /________ __
# \__ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ / / /
# ___/ / __/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ /
# /____/\___/_/ /_/\__/_/ \__, /
# /____/
# DOCUMENTATION: https://squareplugins.gitbook.io/sentry
# LIKE THIS PLUGIN? CONSIDER DONATING! https://patreon.com/drawned
# Enable this module? true / false
module-enabled: true
# If true, players with sentry.bypass.item-control will not be checked by Sentry.
permission-bypass: true
# If "enabled: true", will check every potion if it is NOT a vanilla one.
enabled: true
# Check thrown potions by dispensers?
detect-dispensers-aswell: true
notify-admins: true
remove: false # If true, will force delete the item from the person hand.
item-to-replace: item # "item" to use base item type. Requires remove: false
message: true # If true, sends a message to the player.
# If "enabled: true", will check every enchantment on items to detect if anyone has an unsafe and not vanilla enchant.
enabled: true
notify-admins: true
remove: false # If true, will force delete the item from the person hand.
item-to-replace: item # "item" to use base item type. Requires remove: false
message: true # If true, sends a message to the player.